Terms of Service
A booking arrangement can be made between the client and S & J Ultimate Auto Service in person, over the phone or online. An operator will reply to email booking within 12 hours of an online booking to confirm the booking. Bookings are subject to S & J Ultimate Auto Service availability which will be discussed at the time of booking.
Vehicle Accessories:
All vehicle accessories must be removed by the client prior to commencement of work. The client must remove any personal items from the interior of the vehicle including the boot such as Mobile Phone, Wallet / Purse / Handbag, Mp3 Player/ I pod, Laptop, I Pad. S & J Ultimate Auto Service will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items, that are not removed from vehicle.
Car Service Conditions:
Service Includes up to 5 Litres Of Semi-Synthetic Oil. Oil Filter equal or less than $12.00. Coolant of up to 10 Litres. x2 standard Wiper Refills per vehicle. Extra fee's may appy if vehicle exceeds service conditions. Quote can be provided prior to service.
Payment for all services must be paid on completion of work carried out prior to pick up of vehicle. We accept Cash or Eftpos / Visa / Mastercard. 1.5% Surcharge applies to all credit card transactions.
S & J Ultimate Auto Service is not liable for any customers vehicle that are left for service on the property. Vehicles are left at owners risk. All Vehicle will be stored in the workshop after hours.
S & J Ultimate Auto Service has sole discretion in determining the liability of any damage that the customer claims to have occurred while work was performed on the vehicle such as scratches, scuffs, dents etc as they may have been there prior to work commencing when the vehicle was dirty and they could not be seen.
The client must inspect all work carried out prior to leaving S & J Ultimate Auto Service any issues that need rectifying at later time will incur a $65.00 Inc GST Fee.
S & J Ultimate Auto Service reserve's the right to add, modify or remove any of our prices, services or terms without prior notice.
Terms as of 01/07/2011

Altona, Altona Meadows,
North, Ardeer, Bacchus Marsh, Burnside, Caroline Springs, Chartwell, Cocoroc Darley, Deer Park, Derrimut Exford, Eynesbury, Footscary,
Glenmore, hoppers Crossing, Kingsville, Lara, Laverton, Laverton North, Little
River, Mambourin, Melton, Mt Cottrell, Newport, Point Cook, Qandong, Raven
hall, Rockbank,
Rowsley, Sanctuary Lakes, Sea Brook, Sea Holm, Spotswood,Tarneit, Truganina, Werribee, Werribee South, Williams Landing, Williamstown, Wyndham Vale,
Copyright (c) 2011. S & J Ultimate Auto Service. All rights reserved.